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Latest Insights on CAT

Avoid Investing in Barrick Gold or Newmont Mining Right Now Barrick Gold and Newmont Mining are making headlines because of their proposed merger. This isn’t the first time. And history tells us we should stay away right now.
Will Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell be remembered in history as an effective Fed chairman or a total flop? Jerome Powell’s Shifting Narrative on Interest Rates Shakes up the Economy Will Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell be remembered in history as an effective Fed chairman or a total flop?
There’s a large-scale retreat from equities by institutional investors like pension funds, and by Main Street investors like you and me. Money Managers and Everyday Investors Are Fleeing the Stock Market There’s a large-scale retreat from equities by institutional investors like pension funds, and by Main Street investors like you and me.
Emerging Markets Are the Best Stocks to Buy Before a Recession Hits The U.S. outperformance is coming to an end. This is referred to as “Peak U.S.,” and it’s full of investment opportunity — just not here at home. Investors are looking to emerging markets to profit. John Ross recommends an exchange-traded fund for you to cash in.
Avoid Bear Markets With S&P 500 New Orders Data The Commerce Department began publishing this data in 1992. Its sell signal avoided every bear market since then.

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“Loving this. Should have started a long time ago.”

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- James

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