Latest Insights on ERF
There’s No Need to Fear a FANG-Less Index June 27, 2017 Stocks Facebook, Apple and Amazon, Netflix, and Google (FANG) are the undisputed heavyweights of the Internet economy. However, these five stocks don't control the broad market.
This Metal Outperformed Gold and Silver by 300% June 23, 2017 Precious Metals This resource is probably the stealthiest bull market in the world. Its performance since 2009 beats every other metal out there…
Solar Power Is Cheaper Than Ever June 21, 2017 U.S. Economy Solar energy has emerged as a dominant force that is not only an unlimited resource, but also becoming cheaper and cheaper.
Amazon Just ‘Jumped the Shark’ June 20, 2017 Investment Opportunities Amazon’s purchase of Whole Foods will be a surprising setback for the Internet giant and, quite likely, the high-water mark for its stock market valuation.