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S&P 500 Moving Day Average Cross Signals a Double-Digit Rally June 8, 2018 Economy, Trading Strategies In March, there was a bearish indication, and more volatility followed. Now we have a bullish indication, and I expect a major rally to follow.
Beat the Crude Oil Bulls … and Then Join Them June 7, 2018 Investing, Oil Monitoring the large speculators is not a precise timing indicator. But it’s a valuable piece of information to determine when it’s the right time to bet against the crowd.
“The Profit” Marcus Lemonis Buys Common Shares of Camping World June 6, 2018 Economy, Trading Strategies I recently learned this TV star is buying shares of a certain public company. That intrigued me. I dug in to learn more about the story…
Young Americans Are the Hope of Our Country June 5, 2018 Economy, U.S. Economy In 2018, I realized the grave difficulties both of my grandsons and all young Americans face today. And these young Americans are very much concerned about their future.
Gold’s Decline Sets up Triple-Digit Gains May 31, 2018 Gold, Investing I’m comforted by the fact the mainstream financial press isn’t talking about gold. Because, by many measures, an investment in gold looks like a sure thing right now.