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Corrections A Look at 5 Corrections That Shocked the Market February 21, 2018 by Ian Dyer Economy, Global Economy I’ve taken a look at five corrections that have happened similar to this one since the financial crisis of 2008. These are quick “crashes” that have taken the market by surprise.
Rare Retail Opportunity The Retail Resurgence Is a Rare Opportunity February 13, 2018 by Jeff Yastine Investment Opportunities The sell-off turned an already undervalued group of companies into a heavily undervalued group. Yet the news keeps getting better for retail.
Washington Economic Storm Washington Is Creating a Perfect Economic Storm February 12, 2018 by Ted Bauman U.S. Economy Thanks to our representatives in Washington, we face a future of higher interest rates, a falling dollar and falling stock prices.
Lithium stocks have deflated like an old party balloon. Yet this is despite the fact that the demand for lithium is getting hotter and hotter. Lithium Stocks Prices Fall Allowing Investors To Buy Undervalued Lithium February 8, 2018 by Sean Brodrick Precious Metals Lithium stocks have deflated like an old party balloon. Yet this is despite the fact that the demand for lithium is getting hotter and hotter.
To take a position in silver, you can buy the Sprott Physical Silver Trust (NYSE: PSLV) or the iShares Silver Trust (NYSE: SLV). Here's why this is a great investment opportunity. Gold and Silver Just Hit a Historic Level February 7, 2018 by Brian Christopher Precious Metals Silver is less expensive than gold. But sometimes the relationship between gold and silver gets out of whack. I believe today is one of those times…

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