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Did Barron’s Just Accidentally Call the Top? April 12, 2019 Stocks, U.S. Economy, Winning Investor Daily In the past, newspaper covers have been a contrarian signal, hence, my skepticism over Barron’s prognostication.
Double the S&P 500 With Legendary Investor Bill Nygren April 11, 2019 Investing, Investment Opportunities, Winning Investor Daily During the fund’s life, it has nearly doubled the performance of the S&P 500 Index. A $10,000 investment in the fund would have grown $100,000 more than in the S&P 500.
REITs: The New Tax Loophole for Investors April 10, 2019 Real Estate, Taxes, Winning Investor Daily One of the most tax-advantaged forms of investment is hiding in plain sight … and one simple step could increase your profits from it by 12% or more every year.
5 Beliefs of Winning Traders — No. 3: Trading Is a Game April 10, 2019 American Investor Today, Trading Strategies A market psychologist who worked with elite traders found that they shared five common beliefs. In the past weeks, John Ross discussed the first two beliefs. Today, he shares with you the third market-based belief for profitable trading.
Sharing Real Wealth Strategist’s Insight With You March 30, 2019 American Investor Today, Natural Resources, Saturday News Letter In Real Wealth Strategist, Matt Badiali and Anthony Planas research and recommend the most promising natural resource stocks.