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Develop your own investing strategy by talking to neighbors and friends. Talking to Your Neighbors Can Make You Richer Many of you have access to an incredible amount of knowledge. That knowledge is powerful. And it can be very lucrative.
Amazon doubles down on Alexa and Echo with eight new devices … including a microwave. Yes, an Alexa microwave. Amazon’s Alexa Goes Full Samuel Jackson; Peloton’s Pricey IPO
by Joseph Hargett September 26, 2019 Great Stuff
Say “Alexa” Again, I Dare You No, it’s not 2001. We’re way past that at this point. Alexa is taking over. Inc. (Nasdaq: AMZN) held a major reveal yesterday. There were no spiffy invitations like you get for Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL) events … so you might have missed it. At the event, Amazon […]
Impeachment sounds scary, until you realize it’s just more of the same inaction we’ve seen for years. Legislation Is Dead; Nike Taps Into Girl Power
by Joseph Hargett September 25, 2019 Great Stuff
Well … Ain’t That a Peach? It’s official. The impeachment of President Donald Trump has begun. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced a formal impeachment inquiry into the president late yesterday. And it only took a public shaming from presidential hopeful Senator Elizabeth Warren over the weekend to make it happen. That’s about all the political […]
Great Stuff 9-24-2019 Google Won’t Forget You … Ever; Snap Hands Over Project Voldemort
by Joseph Hargett September 24, 2019 Great Stuff
Gone, but Never Forgotten Today, we’re going to talk about digital privacy. It’s not a sexy topic by any means. But it’s a vitally important one. Earlier today, Europe’s highest court ruled in favor of Alphabet Inc.’s (Nasdaq: GOOG) Google. The case centered on Google users’ “right to be forgotten.” At its core, “right to […]
Sector Rotation Strategy: 2 Ways to Beat the Market The economy and the stock market today resemble the start of 2008. Back then, people had the opportunity to make double-digit gains. They purchased certain exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Today, John Ross talks about those ETFs, and he gives you a new strategy that will yield triple-digit gains in less than a month’s time. (5-minute read)

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"You told me to ignore the noise on Wall Street. And thanks to you, I started towards the end of 2016 with $200,000 in my account and I recently put in an extra $100,000. [As of February 2019] My account is worth $500,788! I would’ve missed out if I followed conventional wisdom."

- Helen C.

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