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The DEA War on Your Wallet August 22, 2016 by Ted Bauman Government & Politics Under the guise of asset forfeiture, DEA agents routinely spy on our travel plans so they can steal our money … all in the name of the pointless “war on drugs.”
Goodbye Austerity, Hello Big Government Spending August 9, 2016 by Jeff Yastine Government & Politics One of the rare things that Clinton and Trump both agree on is bigger government spending. Austerity is out. Infrastructure spending is in, and you’re going to pay for it.
Poke?mon Go Privacy Invasion Pokémon Go Privacy Invasion July 25, 2016 by Ted Bauman Privacy Invasion The wildly popular Pokémon Go app is the latest in free-to-play genre that’s turning you, your smartphone data and your private information into a commodity to be traded for profit.
Bubble, Bubble ... the Fed's in Trouble The $3.7 Trillion Municipal-Bond Market Just Isn’t That “Liquid” May 10, 2016 by Jeff Yastine Bonds The Fed is allowing big banks to treat municipal bonds as safe, high-quality assets for emergency reserves. But once you’ve read up on Ramapo, New York, “safe” no longer comes to mind.
food riots Welcome to the Real Hunger Games April 12, 2016 by Jeff Yastine Commodities Shifts in economic growth and weather patterns threaten to decimate world food production ... leading to soaring commodity prices and potential food riots.

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