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Latest Insights on BCH

Buy Low and Sell High Don’t Buy Low and Sell High What if I told you that there’s a much simpler, better way than trying to time the bottom? It’s a strategy that turns the old mantra on its head, and one that’s been proven to turn out big profits by academics and money managers alike. It involves targeting a group of select stocks that permeates the world of quantitative and algorithmic trading systems. Simply put, the better strategy here is to “buy high, and sell higher.”
Bank on This 15.6% Yield You can certainly profit by using a stock’s price history to spot opportunities. But in times of major upheaval, like today, “technicals” are a poor guide. Normally, reliable information on the history of individual assets is overwhelmed by external factors. In this case, I prefer to focus on the Big Picture. And right now, the Big Picture is telling me to be opportunistic … but to let someone else do the work.
Rise in the price of the sacred Costco hot dog and soda meal Costco Hiding the Dollar’s Dirty Secret? Your 5-Minute Weekly Update on the World’s Biggest Trends and Opportunities
Making money Does It Matter if You Make Money? Your 5-Minute Weekly Update on the World’s Biggest Trends and Opportunities
Bull market is over The Bull Market Is Dead. Long Live the Bull Market! At the simplest level, “what just happened” is that stocks went down... A lot. Going one step further, we can say that stocks went down because bond yields went up. Again, a lot. But to really understand why stocks and bonds have fallen so hard and so fast, we need to understand why they went up so much in the first place.

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