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After a 4% whipsaw in one day, Wall Street gets an increasing sense that the recovery will be drawn out … I told you so. Wall Street Nonsense; Banking Bedlam; Tesla’s Hog Heaven July 14, 2020 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff An Increasing Lack of Sense and Sensibility There’s an increasing sense that the recovery from the virus related shutdown is going to be more drawn out, more uneven than maybe the market was looking for. — Willie Delwiche, investment strategist at Baird That, dear reader, is your Quote of the Week … but it might […]
Sell Facebook Now — and Buy These Stocks Instead July 14, 2020 by Jeff Yastine Investment Opportunities, Trading Strategies, Winning Investor Daily When it comes to shares of Facebook Inc. (Nasdaq: FB), it’s time to take the money and run.
The Key to Supersized Profits in a $45 Billion Market July 14, 2020 by Ted Bauman Big Picture. Big Profits., Investing, Stocks [4-minute read] Facebook and Google are missing the key ingredients to grow profits from here … but this overlooked tech company is already putting those pieces together.
Don’t Make a Single Options Trade Before You Know This July 10, 2020 by Chad Shoop American Investor Today, Education, Investing (5-minute read) This is the most important part of deciding whether to buy a call or put option. Once you understand this concept, you’ll know at a glance if you should make the trade. This concept tells us options on Facebook’s stock are not a buy right now.
Facebook’s Ad Blackout: Bank It or Tank It July 7, 2020 by Chad Shoop American Investor Today, News, Technology (2-minute read) Seven days into Facebook’s ad blackout, the social media giant has lost millions of dollars. But its stock price remains near all-time highs. In his new Bank It or Tank It video, Chad Shoop examines how the controversy will affect the stock’s future.

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