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Don’t Fall Short at Retirement May 26, 2017 Retirement Will you be able to retire? If you fear that the answer to that question is “no,” then you’re far from alone. But you still have a chance to change that answer to a firm “yes”…
Boost Your Retirement by Investing in Colored Diamonds May 25, 2017 Retirement It's not too late to take control of your finances and build up your nest egg regardless of what’s happening in the market. But the key is having the right tools...
Look Who’s Buying Gold Now May 23, 2017 Gold We seem to have forgotten about gold in the U.S., where we saw a 46% decline in bullion coin sales this year. But in the U.K. they can’t buy enough of the stuff.
The Dow Marches to 60,000 April 10, 2017 Stocks We could be enjoying a bull market that might last until 2028, and over the next 11 years, the Dow could reach 60,000. It won’t go straight up, though.
Maybe the Fed Doesn’t Really Influence the Stock Market April 6, 2017 Stocks It’s a simple market timing rule — when the Federal Reserve raises rates three times, stocks fall. Now it’s time for the stumble ... or is it?