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This Bailout is for Wall Street … Not Main Street [17-minute video] The stimulus coming from the Fed and Washington D.C. is like water: It takes the easiest path it can find. Thanks to 40 years of pro-Wall Street policies, the only parts of the emergency stimulus having an impact are those aimed at the financial sector. That’s setting us up for a repeat of the post-2008 scenario … On steroids.
We’re Headed for a Double Bottom in The Stock Market [10-minute video] Stocks have recovered a lot of ground recently … but when headlines come out about the hit to GDP and manufacturing indexes, investors will panic again.
3 Ways Americans Are Helping Each Other Survive Crisis There’s a lot of bad news out there. It’s a tough time for everyone. But despite all the struggles, people are still finding small ways to make a difference. Today, Kristen Barrett highlights heartwarming moments to help keep spirits up.
invest stock price Abnormal Times Mean Abnormal Stock Prices [10-minute video] Why you shouldn’t panic sell … and what to expect when this thing runs its course.
where is market bottom? Why We Haven’t Reached a Market Bottom Yet [15-minute video] Some experts say the bear market is over. But are they right?

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