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Latest Insights on DRIV

Every day we get one more vaccine report. Wall Street takes it on faith. It takes it to the heart. Waiting for market normalcy is the hardest part. More Vaccine Dreams; Apple and Tesla Hit Splitsville
by Joseph Hargett August 24, 2020 Great Stuff
The Hardest Part Oh, don’t it feel like bullish right now? Don’t it feel like something from a dream? Well, we’ve never known a market quite like this, and it feels like these gains might never come again. But Great Stuff readers know better than to try and pretend. No one could’a ever told you […]
Move Over, Bitcoin: There’s a New Crypto King (5-minute read) Bitcoin is losing market share to a wave of more useful cryptocurrencies, which will soar higher in the years to come.
Who says new highs don’t fly? A new report suggests recent S&P 500 gains are just the tip of the iceberg for market bulls. Tesla Feels, Uber Reels and Pfizer Heals
by Joseph Hargett August 21, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “They Did the Math” Edition It’s come to my attention that I have a reputation for being a market bear. Honestly, with all Great Stuff’s “be prepared” and “buy gold and safe haven investments” talk, I can see why. Personally, I prefer “market realist,” but perception is perception, and reader sentiment […]
In today’s Market Insights video, we discuss why Tesla or Alphabet, the parent of Google, could head toward $5 trillion and beyond. Tesla vs. Google: Race to $5 Trillion In today’s Market Insights video, we discuss why Tesla or Alphabet, the parent of Google, could head toward $5 trillion and beyond.
The Dow has been oh so quiet lately, while the Nasdaq and S&P 500 hit all-time highs. But it won’t stay that way for long. Quiet Dow; Target Now; A Momenta(s) Occasion
by Joseph Hargett August 19, 2020 Great Stuff
It’s Oh So Quiet It’s oh so quiet. Shh … shh. The Dow’s oh so still. Shh … shh. It’s been seven days. Shh … shh. It’s oh so peaceful until … volatility explodes. Zing! Boom! Björk? Really, Mr. Great Stuff? What can I say? The brain wants what the brain wants. I heard this […]

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