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Do You Have an Offshore Backup Plan? Do You Have an Offshore Backup Plan?
by Ted Bauman December 19, 2016 Offshore Living
Life is full of dead ends. They’re not risky in and of themselves, but they can quickly become a trap. Creating an offshore escape route for such traps is ideal, and not as difficult as it sounds.
Thanksgiving: A Time For Heartfelt Thanks A Time for Heartfelt Thanks
by Bob Bauman November 24, 2016 Government & Politics
After one of the most divisive election campaigns ever, remember that Thanksgiving is a day to count our blessings as Americans, to consider what unites us and not to dwell on what might divide us.
Big Brother Trump Is Watching Big Brother Trump Is Watching
by Ted Bauman November 21, 2016 Privacy Invasion
Set aside your feelings for Trump’s broader agenda. Focus on his intentions for privacy and free speech. He has never expressed interest in protecting civil liberties. In fact, it's quite the opposite...
Hello Technology, Goodbye Jobs Hello Technology, Goodbye Jobs
by Jeff Opdyke November 16, 2016 U.S. Economy
As the Internet of Things takes over, it will do more than provide convenience. It promises to steal nearly all existing jobs. Without change, this is bad news all around for pretty much all of us.
Freedom and the Better Angels of Our Nature The Better Angels of Our Nature
by Bob Bauman November 8, 2016 Government & Politics
America is justifiably frustrated this election. Freedom appears to have taken a back seat, but each of us has the innate ability to determine our own fate — a most prized individual liberty.

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