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Oh Snap! - The Power of Millennials and the Snapchat IPO Oh Snap!
by Jocelynn Smith February 3, 2017 Stocks
During the dot-com boom, IPOs regularly shot to triple-digit gains in their first day of trading. Now most fall dismally flat. But millennials’ interest in Snap could break this IPO rut.
Your Passport to Affordable Health Care Your Passport to Affordable Health Care
by Ted Bauman January 30, 2017 Offshore Solutions
Despite success in medical techniques, the U.S. has a disastrous, overpriced health care system. In fact, you could pay less traveling abroad for care, including round trip airfare.
Banks Wall Street’s Ticking Time Bomb Wall Street’s Ticking Time Bomb
by Jeff Opdyke January 25, 2017 U.S. Economy
Once “too big to fail” banks have grown so large that it raises a troubling question: Are they now effectively too big to save in the next financial crisis?
A Golden Opportunity to Prepare A Golden Opportunity to Prepare
by Jeff Yastine January 24, 2017 Government & Politics
The federal deficit grew by more than 30% to $587 billion last year. While Congress is sure to pay it lip service, you should start preparing for the fallout by revisiting gold.
Nvidia: An Internet of Things Powerhouse An Internet of Things Powerhouse
by Joseph Hargett January 19, 2017 Stocks
The Internet of Things (IoT) is no longer just a buzzword in tech circles. It is a tech revolution that researchers predict will top $373 billion in 2020.

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