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Uncompleted Wells (DUCs) Are Waiting for Sustained Higher Oil Prices June 10, 2019 by Matt Badiali American Investor Today, Oil Life in the West Texas oil fields is boom and bust. Oil prices used to dictate success in the shale patch, but they mean less today. A recent cost-saving strategy left oil service companies just waiting for one thing. When it happens, it will be a fun ride for investors.
The market tells the Fed what it should be doing, not vice versa. That’s how it maintained transparency after the global financial crisis. The Fed Is Now Dovish — Why the Markets Haven’t Really Changed June 7, 2019 by Ian King Stocks, U.S. Economy, Winning Investor Daily The market tells the Fed what it should be doing, not vice versa. That’s how it maintained transparency after the global financial crisis.
Carmageddon Is Coming June 6, 2019 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff And I looked, and beheld pale affordable ride-sharing: and his name that caught a Lyft was Death, and Carmageddon followed with him. Are you prepared for the end of times for personal vehicles? Dogs and cats ride-sharing together … mass hysteria! It’s happening already. Well, not the “dogs and cats” thing. They don’t have opposable […]
With the next stage in e-commerce competition coalescing around one-day delivery, the last mile is becoming the most important mile of all … one that can generate serious profits for you. What is the Hottest E-commerce Stock to Buy Right Now? June 5, 2019 by Ted Bauman Investment Opportunities, Real Estate, Winning Investor Daily With the next stage in e-commerce competition coalescing around one-day delivery, the last mile is becoming the most important mile of all … one that can generate serious profits for you.
Cars were the biggest innovation of the 20th century. And, as I’ll explain, autonomous cars will have an even bigger impact. Autonomous Cars and the New Age of Transportation May 31, 2019 by Ian King Economy, Technology, Winning Investor Daily Cars were the biggest innovation of the 20th century. And, as I’ll explain, autonomous cars will have an even bigger impact.

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