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The latest big company to be hacked? Pizza Hut found itself the victim of a hack attack — alongside 60,000 customers who had their credit card info exposed. Hack Attacks Are Corporate America’s Worst Nightmare The latest big company to be hacked? Pizza Hut found itself the victim of hack attacks — alongside 60,000 customers who had their credit card info exposed.
Warning signs exist in stock markets ... if you know to look for them. Learning to interpret them could help your portfolio survive the next recession. The Business Cycle is on Its Last Legs
by Ted Bauman August 28, 2017 U.S. Economy
Warning signs exist in stock markets ... if you know to look for them. Learning to interpret them could help your portfolio survive the next recession.
Food prices are rising. And food producers — decimated by a lack of pricing power — might finally be getting their mojo back. The Path to Double-Digit Food Inflation
by Jeff Yastine August 22, 2017 Global Economy
Food prices are rising. And food producers — decimated by a lack of pricing power — might finally be getting their mojo back.
Of all the Internet of Things capabilities, these devices are one of the uses that are bound to see massive commercial growth within the next year or two. 400 Million of These Futuristic Gadgets Will Be in Stores Soon Of all the Internet of Things capabilities, these devices are one of the uses that are bound to see massive commercial growth within the next year or two.
Tesla's success is just one indicator of how electric vehicles are set to utterly revolutionize the car market despite what the pessimists predicted. Tesla Up 1,081%: The Big Bet to Make Now Tesla's success is just one indicator of how electric vehicles are set to utterly revolutionize the car market despite what the pessimists predicted.

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