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Great Stuff 9-06-2019 WeWork Slashes IPO Valuation; AT&T’s Hot Mess; Facebook Dating?
by Joseph Hargett September 6, 2019 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: Back Into the Woods Agony, beyond power of speech. When the one thing you want is the only thing out of your reach! — The Princes, “Into the Woods” All the market wanted today was a solid U.S. jobs report. Wall Street was promised a strong jobs report yesterday by ADP and […]
Right now, there’s only one federally licensed pot grower. That’s about to change. The DEA Acts on Pot; Spicy Chicken Sandwich Wars
by Joseph Hargett August 27, 2019 Great Stuff
Right now, there’s only one federally licensed pot grower. That’s about to change.
In the next decades, households and businesses will purchase batteries to store energy rather than rely on the energy grid. Cheap Batteries Will Be More Disruptive Than Smartphones In the next decades, households and businesses will purchase batteries to store energy rather than rely on the energy grid.
Great Stuff 8-14-2019 Averting the Trade War on Christmas
by Joseph Hargett August 14, 2019 Great Stuff
Averting the Trade War on Christmas I knew there was another reason for the delayed tariffs that I overlooked. The real reason. Yesterday, I riffed on the “Pavlov’s dogs” motif when talking about the market’s reaction to the tariff news. You know, the news that the 10% tariffs on Chinese imports would be delayed until […]
Great Stuff 8-12-2019 How Uber Lost $5.2 Billion In 3 Months With This 1 Trick
by Joseph Hargett August 12, 2019 Great Stuff
How to Lose $5.2 Billion in 3 Months: The Uber Story My flippant attitude and punny sense of humor are both a blessing and a curse. Just ask my wife of 20 years. She’ll tell you the same thing. It appears that you, dear readers, are now in the same boat as my wife — […]

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