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Do anything in the metaverse pretending Meta isn't doomed meme Meta’s Rock-Bottom Expectations; X Mercks The Spot; Ride-Sharing Face-Lyft
by Joseph Hargett October 12, 2022 Great Stuff
Meta’s Mixed Reality Mark had them metaverse memes (memes). VR goggles with the fur (with the fur). The whole metaverse was lookin’ at ‘er. Meta (Nasdaq: ) stock hit the floor — she hit the floor. Next thing you know, Zuckerberg got low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low … expectations. I have no […]
3 Problems With the Fed’s Digital Dollar The Fed is working on a "digital dollar," otherwise known as a central bank digital currency (CBDC). Here's 3 reasons why that's a bad idea.
Office space fixed the glitch meme The Jobs Report’s Stagflation Quagmire, Eli Lilly’s Fast Track
by Joseph Hargett October 6, 2022 Great Stuff
Twerkin’ On The Working Man Well, I get up at seven, yeah! And I go to work at nine. I got no time for livin’, yes, I’m workin’ all the … wait … what’s this pink slip? Great Ones, what’s the one thing keeping the talking heads on Wall Street from declaring an “official” U.S. […]
The Bear Market Bottom Signal Traders often focus on useless information. Thus, most traders wind up losing money in the market. That’s no accident. It’s what they’re trained to do...
But Jerry metaverse fr fr no cap meme Walmart’s Roblox Rodeo, Orbiting Planet Fitness, Li’s Unlucky Outlook
by Joseph Hargett September 26, 2022 Great Stuff
The Metaverse Odd Couple Great Ones, I’m usually prepared for most things on Monday morning. I’ve seen my fair share of “WTF?!” Monday moments in my time. But let me tell you … this morning’s announcement that Walmart (NYSE: ) is moving into the Roblox (NYSE: ) metaverse is among the strangest I’ve seen. Here’s […]

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