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Homebuyers housing market why can't you be normal meme More Housing Madness, Twitter Unglued & Uber Screwed July 11, 2022 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Our House … In The Middle Of Wall Street Analysts wear their Sunday best. Jim Cramer’s tired, he needs a rest. Retail investors are playing downstairs. Great Ones sighing in their sleep. Others have a date to keep — they can’t hang around. Our housing market … in the middle of Wall Street. Yes, we’re […]
Friend says they started flipping houses Doctor meme Flipping Off The Housing Market; These Boots Weren’t Made For Walking June 28, 2022 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff ‘Cause This Is Shiller It’s close to 9 a.m., and something evil’s lurking in the dark. No, it’s not “Thriller” under the moonlight — it’s the latest Case-Shiller Index! *Distant shrieking and mass panic* I know, I know. The widely used gauge of housing market health isn’t so much “thrilling” as it is … chilling? […]
Bank on This 15.6% Yield May 24, 2022 by Ted Bauman Big Picture. Big Profits., Investment Opportunities, U.S. Economy You can certainly profit by using a stock’s price history to spot opportunities. But in times of major upheaval, like today, “technicals” are a poor guide. Normally, reliable information on the history of individual assets is overwhelmed by external factors. In this case, I prefer to focus on the Big Picture. And right now, the Big Picture is telling me to be opportunistic … but to let someone else do the work.
True Lies Federal Reserve Tango Meme The Tango Wall Street, Tesla’s Shanghai Soon & El Salvador’s Bitcoin Bop May 10, 2022 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff The Tango Wall Street Great Ones, I have a question for you: Would you like to tango? You want to tango NOW? I’m so mad that I don’t know what to do! I get it. Stocks are falling like stones, losses down to your bones. And to top it all off, I’m with you. Feel […]
Bull market is over The Bull Market Is Dead. Long Live the Bull Market! May 10, 2022 by Ted Bauman Big Picture. Big Profits., Economy, U.S. Economy At the simplest level, “what just happened” is that stocks went down... A lot. Going one step further, we can say that stocks went down because bond yields went up. Again, a lot. But to really understand why stocks and bonds have fallen so hard and so fast, we need to understand why they went up so much in the first place.

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