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This Chipmaker Will Soar as U.S.-China Tech War Heats Up [3-minute read] One company stands to benefit the most from the American manufacturing resurgence.
Make 50% More Gains on Stocks With This Simple Trick [15-minute video] Investors who gambled on a quick recovery lost that bet. And last week’s sell-off is not the last one we’ll see… But, there’s a perfect strategy for this difficult market.
Danger Ahead: The Fed’s Great Modern Monetary Experiment [22-minute video] The economy and markets as we know them could soon be flipped upside down … and this shift might have already begun.
Forget bulls and bears — this is the kangaroo market, and you need to beware. It’s not just market volatility that we’re talking about there… Kangaroo Market; A Pilgrim’s Shame; The Shop-Mart Gang
by Joseph Hargett June 15, 2020 Great Stuff
The Kangaroo Market According to Merriam-Webster, a kangaroo court is “a mock court in which the principles of law and justice are disregarded or perverted.” Now, you’ve heard of kangaroo courts before, right? But have you ever heard of a kangaroo market? On Friday, Berenberg Capital Markets analyst Jonathan Stubbs forwent the usual “bull” or […]
Drama builds in the electric-vehicle market as Tesla and Nikola go head to head, while Ford jaunts off to Germany with Volkswagen. Nikola Vs. Tesla; Uber Out; GameStopped
by Joseph Hargett June 10, 2020 Great Stuff
The EV Soap Opera Drama Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of electric-vehicle (EV) lives! In yesterday’s episode of EV Days, upstart Nikola Corp. (Nasdaq: NKLA) tried to take advantage of a weakened Tesla Inc. (Nasdaq: TSLA). While Tesla still recuperated in a hospital bed from a nasty virus, Nikola announced that […]

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