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Junk Bonds Look Tempting, But Don't Be Fooled Junk Bonds Look Tempting, But Don’t Be Fooled September 22, 2022 by Michael Carr Investing, Trading Strategies, True Options Masters Junk bonds are attractive for their high yields, but they're too risky for the average investor. Stay far away from this popular ETF...
Nvidia Weird Science main image meme Nvidia Drops A GPU Bomb, Beyond Meat’s Carne Carnage, StitchFix In Stitches September 21, 2022 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Nvidia’s Weird Science Smorgasbord From my heart and from my hand, why don’t investors understand Nvidia (Nasdaq: )? Is that … is that “Weird Science”? Really? Weird, I know. You got something against Oingo Boingo, Great Ones? Also, Weird Science (the movie) is how all of us … erm, middle school boys? … hoped, no, […]
powerline storage grid Why Battery Storage Will Save Our Power Grid September 21, 2022 by Ian King Investing, Investment Opportunities, Technology, Winning Investor Daily Battery storage is the key to saving America's failing power grid. Find out why battery stocks are on track to create a $16 trillion industry!
Big Things in the Works… September 21, 2022 by Bryan Klindworth Investing, King's Corner, Trading Strategies AK and I have some huge things in the works… In fact, I’ve been so busy transitioning to the new Trade Room software, I didn’t even have time to write an article this week. I’ve also been prepping my option education courses for the 3PM Trade Room sessions…
Used Cars: A New Idea to Trade the Recession Used Cars: A New Idea to Trade the Recession September 21, 2022 by Amber Hestla Investing, Trading Strategies, True Options Masters A Fed survey shows 13% of low-income households plan to purchase a car soon, even in a recession. Time to trade this used-car dealer...

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