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graphite shortage could stall EV boom There’s No EV Boom Without Graphite With soaring gas prices, we're all looking forward to an EV boom. But without graphite, the EV revolution may halt before it ever begins...
not easy being green hydrogen power Shell meme Hydrogen’s Shell Game, Toyota’s Wheely Screwed & Boeing’s Mother Ship
by Joseph Hargett July 7, 2022 Great Stuff
Shell Be Comin’ ‘Round The Mountain… Great Ones, my best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with a girl who saw that Shell PLC (NYSE: ) is building the “largest” green hydrogen plant in the world. I guess it’s pretty serious? You’re darn right it is! […]
get free pre-market shares without issuing a trade No Mistake — These Free Shares Are Yours to Keep (3-minute read) Charles shares how you can get nearly “free” shares of a company without lifting a finger…
Cardboard plus packing peanuts equals wheat Chex meme Friday Feedback Chex Out, Delivery From Above, Great Stuff’s On A Boat
by Joseph Hargett June 24, 2022 Great Stuff
Honey Nut Great Stuff-Os Great Ones … you made it! Fun, fun Friday is back again — and with it, a whole week’s worth of Friday Feedback greatness, courtesy of you and your fellow readers. If you don’t see your email listed below, it might be because you … you know … didn’t write in. […]
Ignore crypto haters Ignore the Crypto Haters — Here’s What Ian King Thinks Check out what Ian King has to say about this week’s crypto action.

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