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Ranking Tech Stocks of 2023 Tech Stocks: Ranking the Most Expensive Sector of 2023 Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Netflix & more. Research shows that tech is THE most expensive sector. Adam ranks "top" tech stocks for 2023.
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U.S. Oil Stock Rated “Strong Bullish” Will Keep Crushing the Market U.S. Oil Stock Rated “Strong Bullish” Will Keep Crushing the Market
by Adam O'Dell December 16, 2022 Banyan Edge, Investing, Stocks
When I began my career, I chose the path that led to bigger, more frequent wins, fewer headaches, and this "Strong Bullish" U.S. oil stock...
What Charles Says About Elections & Your Stocks “3 Best Stocks to Buy for a Republican House.” “What Midterm Election Results Could Mean for This Stock.” “Stocks Fall as Democrats Over-Perform.” Election day flooded my inbox with these kinds of headlines. I asked Charles what he thought. His response: “IGNORE IT!” It’s all noise. As “A-Team” Alpha Investors we look at facts, like […]

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