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The “Grand Reopening” proves that April’s lost jobs are still waiting for employees to return. Now if this virus thing would just pass… Jobs Surprise; Tech Teams Up; The Truth Hertz
by Joseph Hargett June 5, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Pedal to the Metal” Edition I’ve been trading all night; my hands are wet on the keys. There’s a voice in my head that drives my feels. It’s the market callin’, says “I need you here.” And it’s half past four, and I’m shifting gears. We don’t need no letter at […]
This certainly doesn’t look like a “12% away from all-time highs” market or economy to me. Does it to you? Dow 25,000? Get Real; Robinhood’s Most Wanted … Is Carnival?
by Joseph Hargett May 27, 2020 Great Stuff
Enema of the State I’m in a mood today, dear reader, so let this be a warning that a rant is incoming. First, let’s start out with today’s astonishing development that sparked this Great Stuff mood. The Dow Jones Industrial Average topped 25,000 today — the culmination of a 35% rush off its March lows. […]
Positive vaccine data prompts stock market spike. Is this the beginning of the end for the coronavirus nightmare? Vaccine Dreams: Moderna, Sorrento and Novavax
by Joseph Hargett May 18, 2020 Great Stuff
Damn the Torpedoes! The U.S. economy’s got something. We both know it, but we don’t talk too much about it. Ain’t no real big secret all the same. Somehow, we get around it. Listen, it don’t really matter to Wall Street. Investors believe what they want to believe. And what Wall Street believes right now […]
Holy cats! It was a busy Friday: consumer spending, blocked Huawei, Chinese threats, virus testing, bouncing banks? That’s quite a smorgasbord of market-moving data. Retail Weeps, China Creeps, Bankers Beat and Testing Sleeps
by Joseph Hargett May 15, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: You Down With PPT? Holy cats! It was one busy Friday. I mean, we had a literal smorgasbord of market-moving data … all in one day: Consumer spending set another record in April, plunging 16.4%. President Trump blocked semiconductor shipments to Huawei. China threatened to activate its “unreliable entity list.” Trump questioned […]
A Double Bottom Would Be Bad News for These Big Companies [14-minute video] Giant corporations are using this crisis as an excuse to fleece their customers … but the stock market is about to punish them.

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