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Owning and maintaining properties over the long term can be challenging. But it's a great way to build value and equity over time. 76% of Americans Are Renovating vs. Selling
by Amber Lancaster October 31, 2018 Real Estate
Owning and maintaining properties over the long term can be challenging. But it's a great way to build value and equity over time.
Too much of America has been left behind in the latest economic boom, and it is creating a problem that will derail further gains. Did the Economic Boom Leave You Behind?
by Jocelynn Smith October 30, 2018 U.S. Economy
Too much of America has been left behind in the latest economic boom, and it is creating a problem that will derail further gains.
October has been a rough month. But the stock market is set to enter its own Tom Brady-like comeback mode, and you don’t want to miss it. The Market Is About to Have a Tom Brady Moment
by Chad Shoop October 30, 2018 Stocks
October has been a rough month. But the stock market is set to enter its own Tom Brady-like comeback mode, and you don’t want to miss it.
Over the past two months, the S&P 500 fell 4%, while the gold price rose nearly 4%. That’s a warning sign. The first shot of the coming war… Gold Is Your Insurance Against a Market Crash
by Matt Badiali October 29, 2018 Gold
Over the past two months, the S&P 500 fell 4%, while the gold price rose nearly 4%. That’s a warning sign. The first shot of the coming war…
The stock prices of the group reflected hopes for the new markets. And a bubble developed. But the bubble reached irrational peaks. All bubbles do. The FAANG Stock Market Bubble Just Popped
by Michael Carr October 29, 2018 Stocks
The stock prices of the group reflected hopes for the new markets. And a bubble developed. But the bubble reached irrational peaks. All bubbles do.

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"Since I started following your secret over your multiple publications, my $659,000 account is up to $715,000 in just 2 months. I’m up $56,000 in one month alone."

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“Loving the 238% gain after I bought your recommendation in Sept. 2019! This week (July 21, 2020) will be my 1 year anniversary with your amazing team … thanks for the life-changing work you all do! Between all your services, 14 triple-digit gains, the greatest at 358%!"

- Matt

“At the end of August [2018], my 401K was $659,000. Now, on September 4th [2018], it’s $715,000. My account is up $56,000 in the last 5 days!”

- Warren O

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