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2 Ways to Play Crude Oil’s Bearish Season With USO ETF May 8, 2019 American Investor Today, Investing, Investment Opportunities Crude oil is facing a seasonal decline. And the economic and political situations with Iran and Venezuela have the potential to drive the price of oil higher by the year’s end. Many investors retreat from the trading floor and cash in. John Ross shares his insight on this matter, and a way to profit from the market by betting against it. (3-minute read)
Trump’s Tariffs and Sell-Offs — How You Can Profit May 7, 2019 American Investor Today, Investing, Investment Opportunities President Trump’s tariff threats scared investors on Monday morning. As a result, the stock market saw a sharp plunge across the globe. Chad Shoop talks about this issue, and he shares with you his No. 1 strategy to play the market’s volatility. (5-minute read)
The VIX Flip Indicator Predicted the 2018 Market Decline May 6, 2019 Stocks, Trading Strategies, Winning Investor Daily At last September’s Total Wealth Symposium, I gave a specific forecast. Then I went one step further. I shared the exact tool I created to track the market.
An Off-Wall-Street Hero’s Guide to Your Next Million May 6, 2019 American Investor Today, Investing Matt Badiali shares exclusive insight about his longtime colleague and mentor, Dr. Steve Sjuggerud. When he met Dr. Sjuggerud, Matt admired his ability to profit in places that Wall Street hates. He also shares Dr. Sjuggerud’s most recent creation, a documentary film on an investment idea that most investors won’t ever see. (4-minute read)
Daily Stock Trading Tips from 2 Pros May 4, 2019 American Investor Today, Investing, Investment Opportunities Experts John Ross and Chad Shoop share the daily habits that inform their winning trades. (4-minute read)