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Knowing what earnings should be helps us estimate what the stock market should do in 2020. Here, the news is grim. This Is Why Stocks Are Doomed Knowing what earnings should be helps us estimate what the stock market should do in 2020. Here, the news is grim.
How to Survive Pandemic Fears [6-minute read] Don’t panic. Answer these three simple questions instead.
South Korea and Iran report COVID-19 outbreaks, but it was Italy’s news that truly sank Wall Street. Wall Street’s Italian Job; Gilead’s Gilded Lead The Kings of Wishful Thinking “I’ll get over you; I know I will. I’ll pretend my ship’s not sinking.” — Go West Don’t look now, but we have our first major COVID-19 outbreak in a Western country. Italy announced over the weekend that the number of confirmed coronavirus infections spiked to 230 patients. In response, […]
While crypto mania won’t come back overnight, I suspect bitcoin and other crypto assets will follow Amazon’s growth trajectory over the next few decades. Bitcoin Is Back — Amazon-Like Gains Are Ahead While crypto mania won’t come back overnight, I suspect bitcoin and other crypto assets will follow Amazon’s growth trajectory over the next few decades.
Jerome Powell doesn’t believe in directly funding the U.S. government, which is interesting when you consider that’s exactly what he’s doing. The Fed Shells; Shopify Excels; Lyft Smells
by Joseph Hargett February 12, 2020 Great Stuff
The Fed’s Shell Game Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell just finished back-to-back meetings with the House Financial Services Committee and the Senate banking committee. It was exciting stuff … let me tell you. Kind of like watching paint dry. It’s no wonder the financial media are still focused on the Wuhan coronavirus and the market’s […]

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