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Unless governments break the cycle of tariff and retaliation, a global recession or depression starts. However, China showed there could be a better way to fight a trade war. China Shows How to Fight a 21st Century Trade War January 12, 2018 by Michael Carr Global Economy Tariffs give a country time to develop a capability or to protect a critical industry. However, China showed there could be a better way to fight a trade war.
I predict that emerging markets (EMs) are going to be one of the big winners of the year. In 2017, EMs were a bit of a sleeper hit. The S&P 500 was up just over 20% last year. Everybody was chasing U.S. equity gains. But EMs soared over 37% in 2017. How to Cash In on Emerging Markets with ETFs & Boost Your Portfolio January 8, 2018 by Ted Bauman Investment Opportunities These investments would have earned you a whopping 70% more than the S&P 500 … and I’m convinced they’re going to beat that performance in 2018.
Better medical: Biotech breakthroughs — such as precision medicine — are completely altering the quality of our lives. That's why it's now such a great investment. Get Ahead of 2 Big Tech Rallies Now January 6, 2018 by Jessica Cohn Investment Opportunities I know tech can seem a bit invasive these days, and it’s easy to see the pitfalls. But today, I want to briefly take a look at how much tech has improved our lives.
Companies that offer cloud storage have been seeing massive growth. But now the next step in the technology is here: edge computing. The Internet of Things & Edge Computing is An Investors Dream Play January 3, 2018 by Ian Dyer Investment Opportunities Companies that offer cloud storage have been seeing massive growth as more companies and people use it. But now the next step in the technology is here.
Lumber prices tend to peak ahead of stock prices. That means with lumber prices rising right now, stocks should keep going up. Lumber Prices Give the All-Clear Signal for the Stock Market January 1, 2018 by Michael Carr U.S. Economy Lumber prices are an important economic indicator. High demand for lumber means homebuilders are building houses, which boosts economic activity.

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