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Don't Fall for the Jobs Data Deception Don’t Fall for the Jobs Data Deception
by Chad Shoop July 8, 2016 U.S. Economy
The June jobs report blew past expectations, but the devil is in the details. An economy built on falling corporate revenue, declining goods orders and low-paying jobs cannot stand.
Could The Subprime Meltdown Happen Again & What Would it Look Like?
by Jeff Yastine June 21, 2016 U.S. Economy
After an eight-year hiatus, subprime mortgages are back. Now called non-prime to hide their ugly past, these loans are fueling a brand new housing bubble. What could go wrong?
Fake Jobs Plague the U.S. Economy Were you convinced by the unemployment rate drop to 4.7% in May? That is what the government reported. But a closer look at the data reveals something else.
The Debt Problem No One's Talking About The Debt Problem No One’s Talking About
by Chad Shoop May 27, 2016 U.S. Economy
The financial media talks about massive government and private debt incessantly. But there is one rising debt load that no one is talking about, and it could bring about another market crash.
Escape the Earnings Meltdown Market Declines & Options on The S&P 500 Explained
by Chad Shoop May 13, 2016 Stocks
For the first time since 2008, we are facing four straight quarters of negative earnings growth. Stocks are now poised for a plunge, but there is one sector that could offer you protection.

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