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The 25% rally the stock market experienced since the lows a year ago has caused many bearish investors to jump ship. The Bears Are Running Scared
by Chad Shoop February 2, 2017 Trading Strategies
The 25% rally the stock market experienced since the lows a year ago has caused many bearish investors to jump ship.
Your Passport to Affordable Health Care Your Passport to Affordable Health Care
by Ted Bauman January 30, 2017 Offshore Solutions
Despite success in medical techniques, the U.S. has a disastrous, overpriced health care system. In fact, you could pay less traveling abroad for care, including round trip airfare.
If you believe President Donald Trump's promise to grow the U.S. GDP, the bull market could easily continue. However, a major roadblock may be in his path. Trump’s New Dilemma
by Chad Shoop January 30, 2017 U.S. Economy
If you believe President Donald Trump's promise to grow the U.S. GDP, the bull market could easily continue. However, a major roadblock may be in his path.
The Surveillance State Is Here - Government The Surveillance State Is Here
by Ted Bauman January 23, 2017 Privacy Invasion
Can you trust the person across the counter from you? Dr. Mark Rettenmaier did, only to find a government informal collaborator, and now he’s paying the price.
President Donald Trump promises that 4% GDP growth is coming soon. Here's what that kind of economy would look like ... and how you can profit from it. Bank on This During a Trump Economy
by Chad Shoop January 23, 2017 U.S. Economy
President Donald Trump promises that 4% GDP growth is coming soon. Here's what that kind of economy would look like ... and how you can profit from it.

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