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What Are the Stock Market Winners and Losers in the Pandemic? (3-minute read) Amazon continues its retail domination. What else is thriving now? Chad Shoop shows you…
Wall Street is bubbling up big-time. Now’s not the time to be greedy. Now’s the time to get your stocks in a row and keep your powder dry. Stocks’ Bubble Bobble; Straight Outta Oxford; Nikola Now
by Joseph Hargett July 20, 2020 Great Stuff
Bubble, Bubble Toil and Trouble I had a rather disturbing revelation this weekend, dear reader … one I haven’t had since the 2008 financial crisis. On Saturday, I was minding my own business, playing video games online to wind down from the week. You know, social distancing and all that. Nothing out of the usual. […]
It was the Twitter heist of the century. All the big names were invited … except Great Stuff. Shame. Ocean’s Twitter; Returning Your Greatness
by Joseph Hargett July 16, 2020 Great Stuff
Ocean’s Twitter My feelings are hurt today, dear reader. There was a massive Twitter Inc. (Nasdaq: TWTR) hack yesterday. All the big names were invited: Kanye West, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Jeff Bezos — it was a veritable who’s who of Big Money movers and shakers. It was the Twitter scam of the […]
Sell Facebook Now — and Buy These Stocks Instead When it comes to shares of Facebook Inc. (Nasdaq: FB), it’s time to take the money and run.
The Key to Supersized Profits in a $45 Billion Market [4-minute read] Facebook and Google are missing the key ingredients to grow profits from here … but this overlooked tech company is already putting those pieces together.

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