Latest Insights on CURI
Time to Get Out of Real Estate June 7, 2016 Real Estate If you cashed out your real estate holdings in 2006, many — wrongly — would have called you crazy. One billionaire did just that, making his activity in today’s real estate market all the more ominous.
The Paradox of Cash: It’s Always the Government’s Money May 23, 2016 Currency For most of human history, we’ve lived in largely cashless societies. It’s nothing new. But there are concerns about a modern cashless society, and the real threat should terrify you.
The $3.7 Trillion Municipal-Bond Market Just Isn’t That “Liquid” May 10, 2016 Bonds The Fed is allowing big banks to treat municipal bonds as safe, high-quality assets for emergency reserves. But once you’ve read up on Ramapo, New York, “safe” no longer comes to mind.
A New Option for Gold Bullion April 28, 2016 Gold Gold bullion is an excellent way to protect your wealth during a market crisis. But acquiring and storing bullion outside the U.S. has long been a problem … until now.
The Death of Encryption April 25, 2016 Privacy Invasion Data encryption is the last line of defense between your privacy and government overreach. But a new privacy-destroying bill before the Senate could put your personal data at risk.