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Since the Fed backstops literally everything under sun, investors aren’t handling the market with care. Violently Flat Markets; Leaving on a Debt Plane
by Joseph Hargett June 22, 2020 Great Stuff
Handle the Market With Care Well it’s all right, trading around in the breeze. Well it’s all right, you can trade however you please. Well it’s all right, doing the best you can. Well it’s all right, as long as the Fed lends a hand. That really is the key to this market rally, isn’t […]
Forget bulls and bears — this is the kangaroo market, and you need to beware. It’s not just market volatility that we’re talking about there… Kangaroo Market; A Pilgrim’s Shame; The Shop-Mart Gang
by Joseph Hargett June 15, 2020 Great Stuff
The Kangaroo Market According to Merriam-Webster, a kangaroo court is “a mock court in which the principles of law and justice are disregarded or perverted.” Now, you’ve heard of kangaroo courts before, right? But have you ever heard of a kangaroo market? On Friday, Berenberg Capital Markets analyst Jonathan Stubbs forwent the usual “bull” or […]
Expert Advises: You Should Be Buying During a Market Crash (3-minute read) Stocks tanked this week. On Thursday, the only thing that seemed to be on the rise was fear. This expert argues that you should have been buying. And his three simple steps will teach you how to buy financially sound businesses at a bargain.
This sets up profitable opportunities for investors who realize implied volatility (the fear index) is typically greater than the reality. Fear Index at Odds With Stocks — Time to Buy This sets up profitable opportunities for investors who realize implied volatility (fear) is typically greater than the reality.
The REAL Reason for the Market’s Rally When things become less uncertain, it paves the way for a rally higher. And that’s why we won’t see those lows of March anytime soon…

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