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The Gas Guzzler Is History December 6, 2021 Technology, Winning Investor Daily When this crossover point happens, you can kiss gas guzzlers goodbye!
Simmer-Down Sunday: Wait, It’s December Already? December 5, 2021 Great Stuff, Investment Opportunities So Anyway, Here’s December Great Ones, it’s officially that time of the year — Turbotime! That home stretch when we shift this timey-wimey thing into maximum overdrive, and a new year of even-greater Greatness will be upon us all. Or something along those lines. There’s a veritable treasure trove of festive movies and brilliant holiday […]
5 Stocks To Rule The Metaverse December 4, 2021 Great Stuff What’s The Deal With The Metaverse? Great Ones, I’ve been reluctant to talk about the so-called “metaverse” for a multitude of reasons. The first of which is that the metaverse is all but sure to fall short of my childhood dreams. I mean, I grew up on fantasy and sci-fi flicks and Saturday morning cartoons. […]
3 Tech Sectors to Buy When Inflation Rises December 3, 2021 Investment Opportunities, U.S. Economy, Winning Investor Daily Normally, inflation is bad news for the stock market. But it actually helps certain tech stocks.
On DoorDashers, On Box’ers, On Chipmakers … C’mon, Becto! December 1, 2021 Great Stuff A Little Dash’ll Do Ya? It’s been, what … less than a week since COVID-19 Omicron debuted, and I’m already tired of it. And I’m sure you’re tired of hearing about Omicron as well, Great Ones. Wall Street is also tired of it, apparently, as stocks attempted to push sharply higher today. But, as resilient […]