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This Gambler’s Stock Rally Is a Losing Bet [25-minute video] The recent rally is based entirely on sentiment. That means it could turn on a dime, as we’ve seen. Here’s what to do with your investments during these bizarre times.
The “Grand Reopening” proves that April’s lost jobs are still waiting for employees to return. Now if this virus thing would just pass… Jobs Surprise; Tech Teams Up; The Truth Hertz
by Joseph Hargett June 5, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Pedal to the Metal” Edition I’ve been trading all night; my hands are wet on the keys. There’s a voice in my head that drives my feels. It’s the market callin’, says “I need you here.” And it’s half past four, and I’m shifting gears. We don’t need no letter at […]
We’re so close to breaking out to the biggest market buying opportunity we’ve seen since 2009. Opportunities Abound; Warner Music IPO, Zoom Will Grow, CrowdStrike Now!
by Joseph Hargett June 3, 2020 Great Stuff
The End Is Near Wall Street began the day with a friendly voice, a companion unobtrusive … well, at least as unobtrusive as any companion can be right now. The ADP private payroll figures arrived today, and there’s really only one way to describe them: “obviously an awful number, but not as catastrophic as expected.” […]
$286 Billion Car Accident Coming: Steer Clear of These 2 Stocks (4-minute read) Some companies in the auto sector have been bouncing back recently … but don’t be fooled. Auto financing companies are sitting on the edge of a $286 billion cliff.
Wall Street thinks that stocks, like Sneetches, are all the same right now. But what happens when the unlimited stimulus rug is pulled out from under you? S&P Sneetches Say Stocks Shift the Same
by Joseph Hargett May 28, 2020 Great Stuff
Star-Belly Sneetches Today, we’re taking a trip back to childhood to discuss a famous Dr. Seuss story: The Sneetches. (Actually, we’re talking about the correlation of S&P 500 stocks … but you’ll see where I’m going with this shortly.) You see, Star-Belly Sneetches have stars on their bellies and Plain-Belly Sneetches have none. Then Sylvester […]

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