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Amazon has been unable to make any significant headway in China, Though, as Business Insider notes, it’s not for lack of trying. Amazon Goes for Gold
by Joseph Hargett February 28, 2017 Global Economy
Amazon has been unable to make any significant headway in China, though, as Business Insider notes, it’s not for lack of trying.
The IRS Retirement Loophole The IRS Retirement Loophole: HSA Savings Account
by Ted Bauman February 20, 2017 Retirement
Retirement for many is not a pretty picture, especially if you add in health care. Fortunately, there’s a “hack” you can apply to existing tax regulations that might allow you to escape a poverty-stricken retirement.
Danger Lurks in Executive Orders Danger Lurks in Executive Orders
by Bob Bauman February 2, 2017 Government & Politics
Executive orders issued by the hand of an unrestrained president, whether on the political left or right, are a real threat to American freedoms.
Put Power in Your Passport Put Power in Your Passport
by Jessica Cohn January 28, 2017 Offshore Solutions
Even though your U.S passport holds vast weight, it’s not actually the most powerful one out there. In fact, it’s tied for third with other countries. So, who’s on top and why?
The Surveillance State Is Here - Government The Surveillance State Is Here
by Ted Bauman January 23, 2017 Privacy Invasion
Can you trust the person across the counter from you? Dr. Mark Rettenmaier did, only to find a government informal collaborator, and now he’s paying the price.

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