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Energy investors waiting for oil's comeback Pablo Narcos meme small Oil Stocks? I’ve Got No Energy For This & OTC Toyota-Thon
by Joseph Hargett September 17, 2021 Great Stuff
Friday Feedback: The “Sympathy For The Oil” Edition Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m a commodity of wealth and taste. I’ve been around for a long, long years, stole many a man’s retirement. I was around when Jimmy Carter had his moment of doubt and pain. Made damn sure that Iran closed its ports […]
Big Tech Too Powerful Red Button Meme Small Big Tech’s Breakup, China’s Latest Gamble & Oh, How The Meatless Have Fallen
by Joseph Hargett September 16, 2021 Great Stuff
Too Big To Break Up? September has been the month of soap opera theatrics. Last Wednesday, we were regaled by the pilot episode of Keeping SECrets … you know, when the SEC and Coinbase Global (Nasdaq: ) got into a tizzy? The SEC ghosted Coinbase’s requests to try and comply with crypto regulations … then […]
Combing the Market Meme Small Boeing’s 2040 Vision, Coinbase’s Crypto Junk & The Taco Bell Funk
by Joseph Hargett September 15, 2021 Great Stuff
Someone Hit The Snooze Button Holy cats, Great Ones! Today was one boring day on the stock market. I mean, just look at the headlines from the major financial publications: How the rich can catch a break with the new tax plan. Ray Dalio ripping on Bitcoin (BTC) … again. And Social Security! You know […]
investors fear don't follow herd Don’t Fear Irrational Investors So, despite nosebleed valuations, investors are as bullish as ever. Which brings me back to Keynes’ observation that irrational behavior can last a long time in the market. And we have herd mentality to thank for that. Said another way, fear of missing out — FOMO — is omnipresent in the markets today. So now investors face a tough choice: get out of stocks or follow the pack? Let me show you a few things I’ve learned in the last epic stock market bubble ... and how to come out ahead without a second thought for the herd.
Crypto ClapTrap: Here's Why We're Talking About Crypto... Introducing: Crypto Claptrap! Here’s Why We’re Talking About It… Today, Mike and Chris take a break from options to discuss another asset class taking the financial world by storm... cryptocurrencies.

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"You told me to ignore the noise on Wall Street. And thanks to you, I started towards the end of 2016 with $200,000 in my account and I recently put in an extra $100,000. [As of February 2019] My account is worth $500,788! I would’ve missed out if I followed conventional wisdom."

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