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The New Subprime Risk March 21, 2017 U.S. Economy America’s car-buying boom is fueled by so-called subprime auto loans that are very much like the infamous subprime mortgages of the 2008 financial crisis.
The $4 Billion Lesson March 21, 2017 Trading Strategies Price is what matters. A prime example of this played out in the public’s eye recently, as Bill Ackman, a famed activist investor, failed miserably.
Taxes Are Your Money March 20, 2017 Taxes As you’re filing your taxes this year, keep in mind that decisions about tax rates aren’t the only thing that can affect you.
How to Compound Wealth Without a Time Machine March 20, 2017 Trading Strategies Short-term trading — holding stocks for weeks or, at most, a couple months — has the potential to increase wealth quickly.
A ‘Soft’ Bull Market Is Going Strong March 17, 2017 Soft Commodities Cotton plants are useful for a multitude of things. And right now, cotton fiber is in a bull market, with room for us to make money.