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Few economic indicators look ahead, but one that does is the ISM Report on Business. This makes the ISM survey a must-read for serious investors. Economic Data Confirms the Bull Market in Stocks
by Michael Carr May 9, 2017 U.S. Economy
Few economic indicators look ahead, but one that does is the ISM Report on Business. This makes the ISM survey a must-read for serious investors.
Long-term-care insurance premiums have skyrocketed in recent years. Fortunately, there are strategies you can adopt to cope with rising insurance costs. Prepare for the Real Costs of Long-Term Health Care
by Ted Bauman May 8, 2017 Retirement
Long-term-care insurance premiums have skyrocketed in recent years. Fortunately, there are strategies you can adopt to cope with rising insurance costs.
Commodities provide a path for investing that can offer significant gains if you’re correct about the direction and timing. Cobalt Soared 70% – The Metal to Invest in Now Commodities provide a path for investing that can offer significant gains if you’re correct about the direction and timing.
There is a natural hedge for a falling U.S. dollar, and, if you haven’t already, it’s high time you took a closer look at investing in gold. The Fed’s Caution Is a Boost for Gold
by Joseph Hargett May 3, 2017 Gold
There is a natural hedge for a falling U.S. dollar, and, if you haven’t already, it’s high time you took a closer look at investing in gold.
A few months ago, I warned about the dangers of passive investing. It looks like others are starting to voice similar concerns… The Danger of ‘Black Velvet’ Stocks A few months ago, I warned about the dangers of passive investing. It looks like others are starting to voice similar concerns…

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