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Latest Insights on FUTU

The future is already looking bright for Vuzix stock, not just because of the boom in smart glasses, but because of what it’s doing specifically as a company. Vuzix: The Augmented Reality Company to Invest In
by Ian Dyer January 23, 2018 Investment Opportunities
The future is already looking bright for this company and not just because of the boom in augmented reality and smart glasses.
Investors who pick the right lithium stocks can make fortunes due to the future of electric vehicles. You need to get busy in this space. Or get left behind. The Squeeze of the Metal Fist
by Sean Brodrick January 18, 2018 Commodities
The squeeze in lithium supply is acute. The price of lithium has increased threefold since 2014. And on Tuesday, somebody stepped on the gas again.
When I recently met someone who thinks about value investing the way Warren Buffett and I do, I told my publisher here at Banyan Hill: “Let’s see if we can get this person into our team as soon as possible.” Interview With a Value Expert
by Jeff Yastine January 16, 2018 Stocks
Brian Christopher is a modest person, so he won’t tell you all this himself … but he has the resume every value investor needs.
There has been a shift that will take renewable energy from niche to mainstream. And you don’t want to miss the new opportunities… Profit From the Renewable Energy Boom There has been a shift that will take renewable energy from niche to mainstream. And you don’t want to miss the new opportunities…
Federal Reserve officials expect to raise interest rates three times in 2018. But traders are expecting a decline in interest rates. This is how we know. Traders Are Betting the Fed Is Wrong
by Michael Carr January 10, 2018 U.S. Economy
At least for now, traders don’t agree with the Fed. In the futures markets, traders are betting with real money that interest rates are going to decline.

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"You told me to ignore the noise on Wall Street. And thanks to you, I started towards the end of 2016 with $200,000 in my account and I recently put in an extra $100,000. [As of February 2019] My account is worth $500,788! I would’ve missed out if I followed conventional wisdom."

- Helen C.

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- James

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- Jay

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