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Eighty percent of companies have reported earnings that were ahead of already elevated expectations. And this is setting up for a wild third quarter. October Earnings Higher than Expected – Dip Forecasted for Q4
by Chad Shoop September 10, 2018 Investment Opportunities
Eighty percent of companies have reported earnings that were ahead of already elevated expectations. And this is setting up for a wild third quarter.
Collectibles Shield Your Money From Market Volatility There are fortunes to be made in collectibles. But they underscore something more important. They showcase how smart it is to diversify your wealth.
How Peak Velocity Works: Comparing Momentum of Stocks or Markets
by Michael Carr September 5, 2018 Investing
Speculative positions like emerging market stocks perform the best in global bull markets. But that’s not happening right now.
Investing in Alternate Fuels Like Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) The U.N. is forcing out the high-sulfur bunker fuel that ships ran on for the better part of a century. There are a few clean energy options for shipowners.
Class Warfare Is Already Happening Here
by Ted Bauman September 3, 2018 Government & Politics
People are going to get tired of waiting for their lives to improve. When they do, they will start to act out politically and destabilize the country.

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- Keith S.

“Loving this. Should have started a long time ago.”

- Jay

“Looks like I have finally found the right person to learn and grow from.”

- James

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