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UPDATE: Rebound Alert: Buy Greek Sovereign Bonds Today November 6, 2019 by Ted Bauman Investment Opportunities, Winning Investor Daily The world’s best-performing stock market might surprise you. But its economy is on the rebound, and it’s market promises to get a boost on June 30.
Who’s winning the U.S.-China trade war? The answer isn’t as simple as you might think. Peloton Climbs a Mountain of Loss … and Uber’s Buried Under It November 5, 2019 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff So Much Winning Here’s your question for the week: Who’s winning the U.S.-China trade war? We’ve seen plenty of updates in the past 48 hours on U.S.-China trade relations, with many Wall Street pundits claiming “progress” in negotiations. This progress is why the markets are rallying, after all. This first bit of news arrived on […]
Sooner or later, the Feds will cut you down … as Under Armour Inc. (NYSE: UA) is finding out the hard way. McFired, Under Armour Stumbles and Melting Up? November 4, 2019 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Optimism is an infectious thing. You need strong hands to handle both the bull hype and the bear predictions.
The economy could have added so many more jobs in October. Thanks, General Motors. General Motors’ Strike Spoils October Job Growth November 1, 2019 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Friday Four Play: The Sugar Rush Edition Sugar, sugar everywhere! Let me set the post-Halloween scene in the Hargett house: If Alderaan were made of candy, and the Death Star blew it up in my kitchen … that’s what I’m living with right now. My girls are bartering candy like Jawas downstairs as I write […]
even kids can invest in tech stocks Tech Stocks at 10-Year 555% High: 1 ETF Is the Key to Investing Now October 31, 2019 by Brian Christopher Investment Opportunities, Technology, Winning Investor Daily There’s a whole lot of money to be made by investing in technology. I know you know that. But there’s still a long way to go in this journey.

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