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Why “Disruptive Innovator” Stocks Fall Flat (4-minute read) He seemed out of touch ... but not for long. The "disruptive innovators" that soared to the moon during 2020 have come crashing down...
Roku to Hit $605?! Here’s How…
August 4, 2022 Investment Opportunities, Technology, Winning Investor Daily
In today's Mega Trend Thursday video, find out how Roku could go from $80 to $605 by 2026. Why Do Boomers Ignore Crypto?
August 4, 2022 Investing, Mike's Macro View, Trading Strategies, True Options Masters
Buying crypto is too risky for those of us who have to consider our retirement — but avoiding it completely is a big mistake... Making a Game of Investing Never Works (4-minute read) It was supposed to be an “disruptive innovator.” But the company was an accident waiting to happen…
AMDelovely & Delicious, Airbnb Or Bust, TAP That Coors
August 3, 2022 Great Stuff
AMD Is Drinking Milkshakes Great Ones, one of these nights. One of these crazy old nights. We’re gonna find out what turns on Wall Street’s lights. Advanced Micro Devices (Nasdaq: ) is calling. The fever is high, and yet Wall street whispers and moans. Dude, didn’t you know? Nobody likes The Eagles! I’ve always said […]