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A Sweet Trade in Our Favorite Flavor
April 14, 2017 Soft Commodities
Cocoa prices are near an eight-year low. And as a natural resource investor, this kind of situation is a dream come true. Wall Street’s Wildest Dreams Come True
April 11, 2017 Trading Strategies
Wall Street firms are chasing their dreams with computing power. And what they’re dreaming of is obvious: making lots of money. Consumers Spend Big on Apple
April 11, 2017 Investment Opportunities
Market share is everything. But as iPhone creator Apple continues to show, revenue can often be more about value than volume. Create Your Escape Plan Now
April 1, 2017 U.S. Economy
I turned to you last week for feedback. I was curious if you felt your happiness in the U.S. was lessening — and, if so, were you considering alternatives? A ‘Soft’ Bull Market Is Going Strong
March 17, 2017 Soft Commodities
Cotton plants are useful for a multitude of things. And right now, cotton fiber is in a bull market, with room for us to make money.