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January's Market Outlook: Don't Fear the Fed January’s Market Outlook: Don’t Fear the Fed In the first Monthly Market Outlook of 2022, Mike and Chad share why they're bullish on 2022 — even if the Fed hikes rates three times!
Cal-Maine reports earnings eggs in this trying time meme Wall Street On Egg Shells; Peloton’s Plummet-thon
by Joseph Hargett December 29, 2021 Great Stuff
All Is Merry And Bright … And Eggy Good morning and happy New Year’s Eve Eve Eve, all you bright cats and kittens! Bit late on that, y’all, it’s already eve-eve-evening by me. Well, look at you, time-traveling over there! Hush up, and imagine you’re here with me in the wee morning hours of, ummm, […]
Knights who say NEE tree shrubbery meme - NextEra Hydrogen edition I’ll Be Home For the Hydrogen; Grillin’ SPACs & EV Hacks
by Joseph Hargett December 23, 2021 Great Stuff
The Knights Who Say NEE! Merry Christmas and happy holidays, Great Ones! The Great Stuff Team and I are about to settle in for a long winter’s nap, and with no “rose suchak ladder” going on in the market today, we figured we’d give you a Great Stuff holiday mix to end the holiday week! […]
GS Market News Before the Holidays Fresh Prince Meme Royal Caribbean’s Revenge; Car To The Max & Blackberry’s Cyber Confidence
by Joseph Hargett December 22, 2021 Great Stuff
*Crickets* It is Wednesday, my Great Ones! And the market. Is. Dead. No, no, not from the incessant selling and tearing to shreds of weeks past. Great Ones, we have entered the deep, murky waters of … the December doldrums. Dun, dun, dun! Thank you for the dramatic gravitas! Tis the season when the ever-roaring […]
You wouldn't download a U.S. Dollar bitcoin Dorsey meme main Bitcoin Knows Jack, Walmart Toxic Avengers & Micron’s Muscle
by Joseph Hargett December 21, 2021 Great Stuff
Bitcoin Barons Or Electric Sheep? Great Ones, there’s something happening here. What it is ain’t exactly clear. There’s a man with Bitcoin (BTC) over there, telling me I’ve got to beware. I think it’s time we stop — Hey! What’s that sound? — and take a look at what just went down. Because this conversation […]

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