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Fundamentals change slowly. That’s why the stock market is little changed most days. But in the long run, those boring days add up to big gains. On an Average Day, Nothing Happens
by Michael Carr April 17, 2017 Stocks
Fundamentals change slowly. That’s why the stock market is little changed most days. But in the long run, those boring days add up to big gains.
The government has every right to comb through your phone. I’ve been aware of this issue — but I didn’t realize how aggressive those searches had become. At Risk of Digital Strip Searches
by Jessica Cohn April 15, 2017 Privacy Invasion
The government has every right to comb through your phone. I’ve been aware of this issue — but I didn’t realize how aggressive those searches had become.
The American Credit Card and Savings Crisis Many Americans have found ways to keep treading water, but it’s always with the feeling that one big wave could sink them.
A Sweet Trade in Our Favorite Flavor
by Matt Badiali April 14, 2017 Soft Commodities
Cocoa prices are near an eight-year low. And as a natural resource investor, this kind of situation is a dream come true.
One data point that I follow when it comes to gross domestic product (GDP) is the Atlanta Federal Reserve’s GDPNow forecast. The Fed’s GDP Forecast
by Chad Shoop April 14, 2017 U.S. Economy
One data point that I follow when it comes to gross domestic product (GDP) is the Atlanta Federal Reserve’s GDPNow forecast.

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