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The Investment of the Decade January 17, 2022 Big Picture. Big Profits., Real Estate, Trading Strategies, U.S. Economy In today’s Your Money Matters, Clint Lee and Ted Bauman discuss what Ted calls the “investment of the decade.” Crypto? Pot stocks? NFTs? None of the above. Instead, it’s the investment that has created more wealth than any other in human history. It’s a classic play on supply and demand. And right now, demand is dramatically outstripping supply … creating three types of opportunities that can bring you huge gains if you buy in now.
Options 101: Call Me Maybe? January 15, 2022 Great Stuff What’s The Deal With Options Trading? So, you want to trade options, but you don’t know where to start… With options, you clearly have, well … options. There are puts, calls, spreads, straddles, strangles, condors, butterflies, ladder spreads, calendar spreads … one might say you’re spoiled for options, Great Ones. Sure, you could go running […]
Avoid This Options Newbie’s Catastrophic Mistake January 13, 2022 Trading Strategies, Winning Investor Daily This young trader was widely mocked online for his foolishness. But it isn’t easy to make money from options.
Beware the Stock Market’s Growth Stock Sale January 12, 2022 Big Picture. Big Profits., Investing, Investment Opportunities When it comes to toying with your emotions, there’s probably no place worse than the stock market. That’s because our instincts and built-in tendencies serve us poorly as investors. There’s even a growing field to study and explain these “behavioral biases.” Some are well-documented, like herding. That’s where investors just follow what everyone else is doing (which is a bad idea, of course).But there’s another instinct I’m seeing a lot more of lately. And like all the others we fall prey to, when followed blindly, it can do real damage to your portfolio. That is: the urge to buy something on sale.
Finding Acorns Before They Become Mighty Oaks January 11, 2022 Investing, Investment Opportunities, Real Talk, Trading Strategies (3-minute read) All of the largest and best companies were once small companies. And finding mighty oaks when they are little acorns can be the key to tremendous returns…