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Is this the start of a new trading cycle on Wall Street? Stay tuned for the Iran War Cycle. Cycle? No, Iran; No-Cash Nio Delivers January 6, 2020 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff A New Cycle Is Born? Did you think the Iran-U.S. conflict would fade over the weekend? We could only be so lucky. But one does not simply rock the casbah and walk away … especially when one continues to rock the casbah throughout the weekend. After Iran promised to retaliate for the killing of top […]
Biggest Story of 2020: Oil and the Escalating Conflict in the Middle East January 6, 2020 by Matt Badiali American Investor Today, Commodities, Oil The U.S. military airstrike in Iran is the latest step toward an all-out war in the Middle East. Matt Badiali has been warning you about this since May 2019. Now, the oil price is finally reacting. Here’s what you need to do today. (3-minute read)
I know it’s traditional to start the new year with fireworks … but this isn’t what I expected. Tesla Targets Met; Gold and Oil Bets January 3, 2020 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Friday Four Play: The “You Dropped a Bomb on Me” Edition I know it’s traditional to start the new year with fireworks … but this is not what I expected. I’m sure Great Stuff readers all know by now, but just in case you live a media-starved life, here’s the skinny. The U.S. conducted a […]
The first fortunes in America’s drone economy will be made by building the infrastructure that today’s tech biggies and hundreds of startups will use in the new era. 3 Must-Own Stocks for the New Drone Economy December 31, 2019 by Jeff Yastine Investment Opportunities, Technology, Winning Investor Daily The first fortunes in America’s drone economy will be made by building the infrastructure that today’s tech biggies and hundreds of startups will use in the new era.
2020 Will Be the Year for Silver Stocks — How to Double Your Money December 30, 2019 by Matt Badiali American Investor Today, Gold, Precious Metals Matt Badiali predicts: 2020 will be the year of a massive rally in one metal. Matt shares two buys today. Make 105% when the metal’s price skyrockets! (3-minute read)

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