Cycle? No, Iran; No-Cash Nio DeliversJanuary 6, 2020by Joseph HargettGreat StuffA New Cycle Is Born? Did you think the Iran-U.S. conflict would fade over the weekend? We could only be so lucky. But one does not simply rock the casbah and walk away … especially when one continues to rock the casbah throughout the weekend. After Iran promised to retaliate for the killing of top […]
Tesla Targets Met; Gold and Oil BetsJanuary 3, 2020by Joseph HargettGreat StuffFriday Four Play: The “You Dropped a Bomb on Me” Edition I know it’s traditional to start the new year with fireworks … but this is not what I expected. I’m sure Great Stuff readers all know by now, but just in case you live a media-starved life, here’s the skinny. The U.S. conducted a […]
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