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Latest Insights on VIX

Why the Average Investor Makes Below-Average Returns
by Michael Carr October 3, 2018 Trading Strategies
The average investor plans to hold on through bull and bear markets. Eventually, they become rich by doing nothing. But this plan doesn’t always work.
Turkey’s Currency Crisis Is an Investment Opportunity Turkey’s problems are about to become yours ... and an opportunity for foreign investors like me. Here’s why we must prepare now.
Vix Fix Indicator Says It’s Time to Buy Stocks One indicator’s last sell signal came at the end of January. That was the exact day the S&P 500 Index peaked. Now, we are getting the first buy signal since that decline.
This Obscure Indicator Says Buy Small-Caps
by Michael Carr April 12, 2018 Trading Strategies
Small-caps lead the market. They fall the most in bear markets, and they gain the most in bull markets. That makes signals in small-caps important to watch.
Three-point Checklist My 3-Point Checklist for Prospering in a Crash Here’s what you need to know to make sure you survive during a market turndown.

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