3 High-Yield, Low-Quality Stocks to Sell Today
Not all high-yield stocks are worth your investment. Here are 3 so-called “high-yield” stocks you can sell today.
Posted by Adam O'Dell | Sep 1, 2023 | Banyan Edge, Investing, Stocks
Not all high-yield stocks are worth your investment. Here are 3 so-called “high-yield” stocks you can sell today.
Posted by Angela Jirau | Dec 14, 2021 | Big Picture. Big Profits., Economy, Trading Strategies
Good breadth is a sign of a high-quality market. And we just haven’t been seeing that lately. The bulk of the S&P’s gains have come from just five stocks: Tesla, Nvidia, Google, Microsoft and Apple. Meanwhile, more and more stocks keep declining. It’s like a dangerous game of stock market Jenga. The tower is still there, but pull out the wrong block, and it all comes tumbling down. Could a Fed interest-rate hike bring about the big downfall? Ted Bauman and Clint Lee talk about the best- and worst-case scenarios, which types of stocks would be hit the hardest once the Fed pulls back, industries that are likely to do well and the perfect defensive ETF.
Posted by Ted Bauman | Dec 13, 2021 | Big Picture. Big Profits., Economy, Trading Strategies
This morning, the Endless Income segment was the only one in positive territory so far. That tells me the market’s mood is risk-off. But this is no ordinary Monday: The end of 2021 is a little over two weeks away. So, this morning, I broadened the target of my monitoring software to give you a flying overview of how different market segments did this year. The results will definitely surprise you…
Posted by Ted Bauman | Sep 7, 2021 | Big Picture. Big Profits., Investing, U.S. Economy
The trend is clear. When the market starts getting “toppy,” insiders at technology companies stop buying their own shares. Corporate executives know what’s going on in their industries better than anyone else. Every quarter, they must tell the market what they think about their own prospects in an official filing. But they can buy and sell shares in their own company at any time. That makes insider purchases a critical data point for investors. That’s the lowest level of insider buying over the last five years. This is powerful evidence of something I’ve been saying all summer. Right now, smart investors should be buying quality companies. That means strong balance sheets, recession-proof revenues and above all, strong free cash flow. Here’s the evidence.
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